Endowment Funds & Foundations

Financial Stability and
Fiscal Security
Fiscal Security

Endowment Funds and Foundations have the challenge of achieving and maintaining their own permanence and stability over long periods of time.
At Consultiva, we guide institutions to mantain a balance between spending policies and investment practices and create what some call “intergenerational solvency”.
We are also well aware of the importance of aligning investments with an organization’s values. Faith-based institutions in particular, trust our responsible investing capabilities to assist them with the construction of portfolios in harmony with their beliefs.
Our Focus

Without putting financial health at risk with very aggressive spending plans or harming the institution’s philanthropic work with very conservative investments, we always look for suitable spending and investment scenarios to maintain financial stability along with fiscal security.
With our assistance you will be able to evaluate the fund managers that can carry out the implementation of said strategy and monitor their performance.